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Meet The Characters


Clan: Thunderclan Age: 15 moons Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Straight Father(s): Redstone.- russet tom with black stripes and amber eyes (deceased) Mother (s): Icethroat - white she-cat with icy blue eyes (deceased) Sibling(s): Silentprowl - back tom with green eyes (deceased), Applefang - red russet she-cat with white paws one green and one blue eye (alive), Iceglow - white she-cat with black stripes and blue eyes (deceased) Crush: None Mate: None Kits: None Friends/Best Friends: None Enemies: None Personality: Honeydew is a soft spoken she-cat with a good caring heart. She is always there to help a cat in need or even just to listen to someone who needs it. She hardly ever gets angry unless she is defending the ones she loves, her clan or for what is right. Background: Honeydew was born to Redstone and Icethroat of Thunderclan, along with her siblings Applefang, Silentprowl, and Iceglow. Honeydew's parents were killed when she and her siblings were just an apprentice. They died protecting their clan. Honeydew along with her siblings earned their warrior name, but soon after Silentprowl was killed by a fox and not long after that Icethroat die, no one knows how she died. Her only surviving family member was Applefang.


Clan: Windclan

Age: 20 moons

Gender: Female

Darkrose & Nightshadow


Clan: Riverclan

Age: 16 moons

Gender: Female

Rank: Warrior 

Personally: might seem like a jealous, bossy she-cat but she has a kind soul just like her brother. She is very outgoing and can be quite silly sometimes. She is a great warrior and will defend her clan and her clanmates until her dying breath.
Appearance: a black and white long haired she-cat with blue eyes

Crush: None

Mate: None

Kits: None
Siblings: Darkrose



Nightshadow's Personality: might seam like a mean cat on the outside, but when you get to know him he a cat with a kid soul. He loves kits, and especially wants some of his own someday. He is very outgoing, and very motivated. He knows a lot for being a young warrior. When it comes to family members, ones he loves and his clan. He will defend them and protect them even if it means sacrificing himself. He is very awkward around females.

Crush: None 

Mate: None 

Kits: None

Siblings: Darkrose

Bluekit (paw/mouse) & Rainsong


Clan: Windclan 

Age: 20 moons

Gender: Straight

Rank: Kit

Friend(s):Cloverkit @Bluest+r~, Strawberryfur @Luna16, Sunnystreak @Luna16, Vinepaw @Tallstar

Mate: Cal (outsider) @Red'fur

Kits: None

Personality:Wolfcry is a shy young she-cat, she used to be bright and bubbly until her accidents. She can be very tough when it comes to protect the ones she love but has a hard time standing up for herself. She can tend to stay away from cats she doesn't know.

Scars / Deformities: half of face missing and a twisted/crippled hind leg

Runningstorm & Redleaf


Clan: Shdowclan 

Age: 24 

Gender: Male 

Siblings: Redleaf (sister) 

Mate: Pineberry @Cinnamiontail 

Kits: Hollykit, Sapkit, & Needlekit

Personality: is a brave tom with a bright heart, he can tend to be ruthless when speaking his mind but when it comes to someone he loves he tends to treat them with the most full respect. He loves his clan with all his heart and will defend it until his dying breath.



Clan: Shadowclan

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Siblings: Runningstorm

Crush: None

Mate: None

Kits: None
Personality: is an outgoing she-cat with a bright personality, she seems to get on everyone's good side and sometimes bad sides.


Clan: Riverclan

Age: 3 moons | 27 moons

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight 

Siblings:Troutkit (paw/fish) @Lil'Ember ,  Shallowkit (paw/rivers) @Bluest+r~ , Songkit (paw/flight) @meowmeow fuzzyface

Mate: To Young

Kits: None



| Age: 27 moona

Gender: Female

Mate: Stormfish (deceased)

Crush: Spiraltail (@Tallstar)

Kits:Troutkit (paw/fish) @Lil'Ember , Shallowkit (paw/rivers) @Bluest+r~ , Songkit (paw/flight) @meowmeow fuzzyface

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