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Splitpaw (moon)



Name: Acacia, Splitpaw


Age: 7 moons


Gender: Female


Sexual Orientation: TBD

Clan: Thunderclan

Rank: Apprentice



Mother: Aphrodite - golden she-cat with icy blue eyes (deceased)

Father: Ra. - golden tom with green eyes (alive)
Sibling(s):  Isis - golden she-cat with black paws (deceased)

Phoenix - black tom with blue eyes (deceased) 

​Personality:  is a fierce, brave warrior. She is willing to put her life on the line for any cat in her clan.  She looks up to the most skilled warriors and hopes to become just like them. She has a heart of gold, always there to a lend a paw in need, whether she is helping the medicine cats get herbs or helping the elders with their ticks. She is confident, but she also has trust issue. She is very respectful to the older cats, and will only talk back unless they are treating others wrong. 

Appearance: A golden she-cat, black and white spots, half of face is black and has two mistancted eyes  blue and green eye, she has a pointed ears with fur on the tips. Her face is scared with claw marks.

Background: Acacia was born to two loner cats, Aphrodite and Ra.  She was the only kit of her parents first litter. She loved her mother with all her life and her father, along with her aunt and uncles.  When she found out she was gonna be an older sister, she was so excited. One day her father asked her to go hunting considering she was old enough. She left when she came back she found her father gone, her uncle and aunts killed by dogs. Her mother dead.  Ra who didn't want kits in the first place but decide he wants them because he loved his mate, tried to leave the three newborn kits on the border of Thunderclan but was denied access. Ra had no choice but to take them back to the place where his mate died. Acacia who was still there burying his family was reunited with her father and siblings...but soon after a couple days her siblings passed away for there was no one to take care of them.  It was just Ra and his daughter, but then he was gone too when he was taken by Twolegs.  Acacia decided to join Thunderclan after hearing stories from her parents, deciding to let go of her past she requested the name Splitpaw.

Mentor: Nightgaze (@Morrigan)

Apprentice: None

Friends: Open

Best Friends: Open

Enemies: Open

Crush: Burnedpaw ( @luna16 )

Mate: None

Kits: None

Favorite Season: New Leaf

Favorite Food: Mouse

Likes: Burnedpaw, Stars

Fear: Dogs.


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