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Clan: Shadowclan

Age: Unborn

Gender: Female

Rank: Kit

Name: Blackkit, Blackpaw, Blackice

Appearance:   Blackkit's fur color is split in two, with one side (right)  black and the other side (left) being white, her eyes are an icy blue.

Personality: Blackkit has both of her father's personalities, like Tuftedtusk she likes to fight with her teeth and claws, and like her father Owlthroat she is loyal to her clan and very driven to become the best warrior for her clan. She looks up to both of her fathers and wants to make them both proud. She can be a little mean and aggressive when it comes to protecting the ones she loves and will do anything to protect them even if it means sacrificing her life for theirs. She has a big heart and is always looking to help others when it comes to helping warriors with their apprentices, or helping the medicine cat in their den. She is always motivated to do her part and even going above and beyond to help out the clan.

Father (s): Tuftedtusk (@Aroogi) & Owlthroat (@Daragca)

Surrogate: Nightshiver (@Estelle)

Siblings: Olivekit (@ Eidolon ), Talonkit (@GreenTheGreat), Yarrowkit (@Luna16), Mimickit (@Starphobia)

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